# Configure Kali on Raspberry Pi - 2018110 Configure the KaliPi - _i.e. basic linux configuration_. All commands are executed as root. ## boot * plug in keyboard and mouse * insert SD card * turn on * log in as root / toor ## change root password 1. Execute the following to change the password: ``` passwd ``` 2. Optional: create another user and disable SSH for root. ## connect to network 1. Either connect to local Wi-Fi or plug in local cable ## configure ssh 1. Execute the following. _openssh-server_ is already installed. ``` update-rc.d -f ssh remove update-rc.d -f ssh defaults mkdir /etc/ssh/orig-install-keys/ mv /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* /etc/ssh/orig-install-keys/ dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server sed -i -e "s/PermitRootLogin without-password/PermitRootLogin yes/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config update-rc.d -f ssh enable 2 3 4 5 sed -i '1i-- my internal private server --" /etc/motd service ssh restart ``` 2. Get IP address 3. ssh into Kali Pi ## update pi 1. Verify sources.list points to the correct repo. May have to execute: ``` sed -i -e "s/#deb src/deb src/g" /etc/apt/sources.list ``` 1. get current version. execute: ``` uname -a ``` * result: ``` Linux kali 4.14.71-kali-v7+ #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 00:17:58 UTC 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux ``` 2. Update and update Kali ``` apt-get update apt-get upgrade ``` ## OPTIONAL: create user and group This will create a user called 'blueh' that will be used to execute blue hydra; username irrelevant and can be changed. 1. Create user and allow for SSH. Execute: ``` useradd -m -s $(which bash) -G sudo -d /home/ blueh ``` 2. Set password. Execute: ``` passwd blueh ``` ## OPTIONAL: install other useful apps 1. Execute: ``` apt-get -yf install sqlite3 ```